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Pregnancy & Postpartum

What is Acupuncture for Pregnancy & Postpartum Care?

Acupuncture can be an effective way to manage the symptoms common during pregnancy, such as morning sickness, fatigue, pain in the lower back and hips, and swelling. Acupuncture can also help to prepare for labor, reducing stress and promoting relaxation throughout the body. During labor, acupuncture is known to reduce pain, enhance energy levels and stimulate contractions.
After birth, it is important for mothers to nourish their bodies in order to recover both physically and mentally. Acupuncture helps with postpartum depression by increasing circulation and releasing serotonin which can aid in improving moods. It can also help with lactation by calming and tonifying the maternal organs which increases production of breastmilk. Additionally, acupuncture helps increase energy levels after delivery so that new mothers can effectively care for their babies without feeling drained.
Finally, acupuncture helps aid in recovery from childbirth by boosting immune function, relieving muscular tension and decreasing water retention.
medicine for pregnancy and postpartum
acupuncture for pregnancy & postpartum

What can Acupuncture for Pregnancy & Postpartum help with?

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